Meet Brenda
“Hey! Do you wanna play a game of Rock, Paper, and Scissors? Who ever wins gets to hold the title of having the most sparkliest eyes on the planet! Okay? Ready…Steady…Go!! Rock. Paper. Scissors!!! AHH! YOU WIN! Look at your beautiful, sparkly eyes! Wowzas!”
It is not uncommon for me to solicit an impromptu engagement game with new children and youth I meet in counselling. I seek to build safe, therapeutic relationships with those I serve, privileging empowerment and inner resilience as the catalyst for promoting positive change. People who know me best can attest to my energetic, creative and playful engagement style. I encompass developmentally sensitive activities and strategies during all phases of the counselling process in hopes of providing a safe container for which children, youth and their caregivers can process their experiences, reflect, and gain new insight and skills. Furthermore, I aim to provide the tools needed to help caregivers gain confidence in their parenting skills so that they can live the life they desire.
I am a Registered Psychotherapist with The College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario and a Certified Child Psychotherapist and Play Therapy Associate with The Canadian Association of Child & Play Therapy. My 15 years of extensive work experience in children’s mental health and the violence against women sector has advanced my clinical practice in supporting children, adolescents and families with psychological, emotional, social and behavioural challenges.
My professional work experience as the lead clinical practitioner in a not-for profit child and youth counselling program has equipped me with advanced understanding of the intersectionality of trauma, mental health, addictions and poverty. I have demonstrated expertise in providing prevention and intervention services to diverse populations of trauma survivors and perpetrators of violence. My integrative approach consists of play therapy, sand tray therapy, cognitive-behavioural theory, narrative therapy, motivational interviewing, bibliotherapy and a pinch of anti-oppressive practice for good measure.
I delight in children’s innate ability to play, project and reflect. Children are resilient! And so are the caregivers who love them. I am honored to bear witness to the stories shared by those I meet and look forward to continued years of walking and holding space with whom I am committed to serve. See you in the playroom!
Warm regards and high five’s all around or high elbows (Thanks Covid…sheesh),
“Enter into children’s play and you will find the place where their minds, hearts, and souls meet. ”